Personality Neuroscience, founded and edited by Philip Corr

Aims and Scope

Personality Neuroscience publishes papers in the neuroscience of personality (including cognitive abilities, emotionality and other individual differences) concerned with understanding causal bases. Empirical papers focused on the interface between personality and neuroscience are encouraged using any methodological approach, such as experimental, longitudinal, genetic, genomic, gene expression and epigenetic. Cross-sectional and largely correlational studies are considered if they are highly robust, well-powered, and innovative. Methodological approaches include, but are not limited to, neuroimaging, transcranial stimulation, genetics, pharmacological manipulation, evolutionary theory and statistical/psychometric modelling, as well as newly emerging approaches. Developmental and clinical applications, including patient data, are welcomed, as are studies linking systematic individual differences in neural systems to individual differences in important life outcomes. Non-human primate and animal studies may be submitted as the value of translational personality neuroscience is recognised. Studies that seek to integrate different areas of research are especially encouraged (e.g., personality and decision science). In addition to Empirical Papers, Personality Neuroscience publishes Review Papers, typically entailing systematic reviews, but all innovative papers reporting new theory or methodology are considered. Shorter Communications are also welcomed, as are Letters. All submissions are evaluated in terms of their contribution to advance the field of personality neuroscience.

Personality Neuroscience aims to be the primary outlet for publications on the neuroscience of individual differences in all its various guises. This includes the interplay of neural systems and environmental processes – the journal seeks to encourage a greater integration of these two, often separated, perspective (e.g., gene by environment effects on personality). Through its focus on the equal importance of personality and neuroscience, Personality Neuroscience aims to enable the work of personality neuroscientists who no longer have to trade-off one side of this coin for the other in the search for a suitable publication outlet.

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