Personality Neuroscience and Behavioural Economics

Welcome to my research website, where you will find a summary of my research interests and a full list of my publications.

My research interests are in the general areas of personality neuroscience and behavioural economics. Specifically, my personality neuroscience research concerns individual differences in fundamental systems of emotion and motivation that underlie approach and avoidance behaviour, and their conflict, and how these systems drive different forms of behaviour, both pathological (e.g., anxiety and depression) and everyday especially ones related to economic preferences and decision-making.

As well as working with many colleagues around the globe, I am a member of the Identity and Psychology working group (led by Professors Angela Duckworth and Brent Roberts) which is part of the larger Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group, led by the Nobel Prize winning economist James Heckman and Robert Dugger, at the University of Chicago. For further information, click here.

Different people

I am Emeritus Professor of Psychology at City, University of London, and Honorary Professor of Psychology at Brunel University; and previously, Professor of Psychology at University of East Anglia, and Professor of Psychology at Swansea University.

I am a Chartered Psychologist (C.Psychol.) of the British Psychological Society (BPS; and also an Associate Fellow), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA); a Chartered Scientist of the Science Council (CSci); and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).

I am one of the Co-Founding Presidents (along with Professor Eammon Ferguson, Nottingham University) of the British Society for the Psychology of Individual Differences (BSPID), which has the aim of furthering the scientific study of individual differences in the UK.

I was honoured to be elected by Society members to the offices of President-Elect (2013-2015) and President (2015-2017) of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), which is the main international scientific society in this area of psychology.

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